Emotional Sobriety

In many ways I’ve been preparing for this blog my entire adult life. This topic resonates deeply with me because I want happy relations with others and that includes effective communication, empathy, respect for boundaries, and genuine connection. The journey toward emotional sobriety continues to broaden my world. Let me start by giving a simple definition: emotional sobriety means having the confidence to be able to manage and navigate one's emotions in a balanced and healthy manner. It includes developing more self-awareness, heartfulness, and coping strategies when things don’t go my way. Maintaining emotional sobriety involves integrating emotional energy, whether positive or negative, without denying or suppressing it. It also means having resilience and practicing self-care to maintain stability in the face of life's ups and downs.

We all know that knee jerk, impulsive reactions are often very destructive to relationships and our emotional sobriety. Learning how not to react when we get triggered takes a long time for some of us. Rewiring these habitual reactions to make thoughtful responses takes a lot of practice and time. I would rather spend time reinforcing new awarenesses and adding new tools to my emotional took kit than regretting something I did or said that was simply not right or hurt someone needlessly.

Sometimes we feel bad for something we did or said, but mostly it’s not our fault! We absorbed a lot of disfunction and these reactions are just part of us. The way we move away from these patterns is by developing a deep awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This self-awareness allows us to recognize when we are falling into familiar patterns and empowers us to make conscious choices to break free from them. Through introspection, reflection, and intentional action, we can gradually replace old patterns with new, healthier ones that align with our values and goals. This process requires patience, persistence, and a commitment to personal growth, but the rewards of breaking free from limiting patterns are profound and transformative. By accepting our humanity and imperfections, we free ourselves from the burden of the past.


Afloat and Thriving